Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
La Chiarrucia - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev vores reproduktion af maleriet La Chiarrucia - Alexandre Cabanel, et mesterværk i kunsthistorien. Udført af den berømte franske maler Alexandre Cabanel i det 19. århundrede, fremkalder dette værk skønhed og kvindelig sensualitet, samtidig med at det fanger et øjeblik af tidløs ynde. Som...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
'Venus' Fødsel - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev vores reproduktion af maleriet Venus' Fødsel - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk der indkapsler det 19. århundredes idealer for skønhed og sensualitet. Dette mesterværk, malet i 1863, viser gudinden Venus, der stiger op af bølgerne, hvilket symboliserer kærlighedens og skønhedens fødsel. Hans mesterlige...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Portræt af prins K.A. Gorchakov - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev vores luksuriøse reproduktion af Portrættet af prins K.A. Gorchakov - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk der indkapsler storheden af 19. århundredes kunst. Dette maleri, udført af den berømte franske maler Alexandre Cabanel, fanger ikke kun ædlen i sit motiv, men også essensen af...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Phèdre - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev den storslåede reproduktion af maleri af mesterværket Phaedra - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk der illustrerer passion og drama. Udført i slutningen af det 19. århundrede, repræsenterer dette maleri tragedien om Phaedra, en mytologisk figur hvis historie forbliver tidløs. Cabanel's kunst kendetegnes ved...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
"Cleopatra der prøver gift på dødsdømte - Alexandre Cabanel"
Oplev vores luksuriøse reproduktion af maleriet Cleopatra der prøver gift på dødsdømte - Alexandre Cabanel. Dette mesterværk, malet af den berømte kunstner Alexandre Cabanel, indkapsler den dramatiske spænding og den tragiske skønhed i mytologien. Værket skildrer Cleopatra, den sidste dronning af Egypten, i et...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Kærlighedens budbringer - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev vores enestående reproduktion af maleriet: Budbringeren af kærlighed - Alexandre Cabanel. Dette ikoniske værk, skabt af den berømte franske maler Alexandre Cabanel i det 19. århundrede, er et ægte mesterværk, der indkapsler skønhed og følelser. Maleriet symboliserer kærlighed i alle dens former og...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Écho - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev vores enestående malerireproduktion af mesterværket Echo - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk fra den franske akademiske bevægelse. Udført i det 19. århundrede, illustrerer dette maleri den tidløse skønhed og sensualitet, der fanger den mytologiske historie om Echo, en elskende nymfe. Dens delikate komposition...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Ophélie - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev vores luksuriøse reproduktion af maleriet Ophélie - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk der indkapsler skønheden og melankolien i den romantiske bevægelse. Malet i 1880, repræsenterer dette mesterværk en kvindelig figur, der svømmer i vandet, symboliserende tragedie og passion. Rigdommen af farver og detaljernes...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Harmoni - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev malerireproduktionen Harmoni - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk der indkapsler harmoni og skønhed, der repræsenterer stil og elegance fra det 19. århundrede. Dette maleri, udført af mesteren Alexandre Cabanel, er en fejring af de ideelle proportioner og sensualitet. Med sin rige farvepalet og...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Samson og Dalila - Alexandre Cabanel
Dyk ned i kunstens verden med reproduktionen af maleriet Samson og Delila - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk der fanger essensen af passion og forræderi. Malet i 1878, afspejler dette værk Cabanel's akademiske stil og hans evne til at repræsentere kvindelig skønhed med en...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Portræt af John William Mackay - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev vores reproduktion af maleri af Portræt af John William Mackay - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk der perfekt illustrerer mesteren franske talent i det 19. århundrede. Dette fængslende portræt, der vidner om Cabanel's evne til at fange personligheden og elegance hos sine motiver,...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Jephtes datter - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev den tidløse skønhed af Jephtes datter - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk der illustrerer højdepunktet af neoklassicismen. Malet i 1879, fortæller dette værk den tragiske historie om Jephtes, en bibelsk figur, og hans datter, som symboliserer ofre og smerte. Den følelsesmæssige dybde i...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Deltager fra Venedig - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev vores reproduktion af maleriet Venetiansk Deltager - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk der indkapsler al skønhed og sensualitet i 1800-tallets akademiske kunst. Alexandre Cabanel, anerkendt for sine raffinerede portrætter og mytologiske scener, formåede at fange ånden af kvindelig skønhed gennem dette lærred. Den...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
La Comtesse de Keller - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev vores luksuriøse reproduktion af maleriet La Comtesse de Keller - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk der indkapsler elegance og kvindelig skønhed fra det 19. århundrede. Dette maleri, malet af Alexandre Cabanel, er kendt for sin beherskelse af lys og skygger, samt for sin...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Portræt af grevinde E.A. Vorontova-Dashkova - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev vores højtkvalitets reproduktion af maleriet Portræt af grevinde E.A. Vorontova-Dashkova - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk fra det 19. århundrede, der indkapsler elegance og raffinement fra sin tid. Dette mesterværk blev udført af Alexandre Cabanel, en maler anerkendt for sin beherskelse af portrætter...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Døden af Francesca da Rimini og Paolo Malatesta - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev vores luksuriøse reproduktion af maleriet Døden af Francesca da Rimini og Paolo Malatesta - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk der fanger den tragiske passion mellem to elskende. Dette mesterværk, malet af Alexandre Cabanel i det 19. århundrede, fremkalder ikke kun den tidløse skønhed...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Marie-Madeleine ved graven - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev reproduktionen af det ikoniske værk Marie-Madeleine ved graven - Alexandre Cabanel, et mesterværk der lyser op i kunsthistorien. Dette maleri, udført af den berømte franske kunstner Alexandre Cabanel, fremkalder temaer om forløsning og spiritualitet. Skildringen af Marie-Madeleine, der græder over Kristi død, er...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Catharine Lorillard Wolfe - Alexandre Cabanel
Oplev den luksuriøse reproduktion af maleriet Catharine Lorillard Wolfe - Alexandre Cabanel, et ikonisk værk der indkapsler skønheden og sofistikeringen i det 19. århundrede. Dette maleri, udført af mesteren Alexandre Cabanel, skildrer Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, en indflydelsesrig filantrop der spillede en central rolle i...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
The Fallen Angel - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover The Fallen Angel - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work that delves into the heart of human emotions and tragic beauty. This painting, painted in 1847, illustrates the fall of the angel, a theme loaded with spiritual and artistic meanings. Its realistic and...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Albaydé - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover the reproduction of the work Albaydé - Alexandre Cabanel , an emblematic masterpiece of the 19th century. This painting, which embodies Cabanel's academic style and romantic approach, is not only a symbol of beauty, but also a reflection on human sensitivity. With vibrant...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
The Death of Moses - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover the reproduction of the iconic painting The Death of Moses - Alexandre Cabanel , a painting that captures the essence of tragedy and beauty through the prism of human emotion. Painted by the renowned French artist Alexandre Cabanel, this work illustrates the poignant...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Nymph and Satyr - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the iconic painting Nymph and Satyr - Alexandre Cabanel , a 19th-century masterpiece that embodies the beauty and mystery of mythology. This painting, famous for its sensuality and refinement, depicts a nymph surrounded by a satyr in a passionate embrace,...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Portrait of Napoleon III - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our magnificent reproduction of the famous Portrait of Napoleon III - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work that marked the history of 19th-century art. This painting, created by the master Alexandre Cabanel, celebrates the greatness of the last French emperor, Napoleon III, capturing...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Paradise - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our beautiful reproduction of the iconic painting The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden - Alexandre Cabanel . This painting, created by the famous French artist in the 19th century, illustrates the dramatic scene of the fall of man,...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Portrait of Cornelia Lyman Warren - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of Portrait of Cornelia Lyman Warren - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work that embodies the elegance and feminine beauty of the 19th century. This painting, made by the French master Alexandre Cabanel, is not only a masterpiece of oil painting,...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Pandora - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the iconic work Pandora - Alexandre Cabanel , a piece that embodies the beauty and mystery of mythology. This painting, painted in 1881, illustrates the legend of Pandora, the first woman created by the gods, symbolizing both curiosity and human...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Thamar - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover the fascinating reproduction of Thamar - Alexandre Cabanel painting, an iconic work that embodies the beauty and emotion of classical art. Painted at the end of the 19th century, this painting illustrates a key moment in mythology, where sensuality and psychological depth meet....- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Harmony - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the painting Harmony - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work that embodies the beauty and sensuality of the 19th century. This famous painting, created by the French artist Alexandre Cabanel, is recognized for its technical finesse and captivating allure. Every...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Jephthah's Daughter - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the painting Jephthah's Daughter - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work from the 19th century that illustrates Cabanel's exceptional talent. This painting, inspired by the biblical tragedy, evokes themes of sacrifice and beauty, captivating art lovers for generations. By choosing...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Phaedra - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover the reproduction of Phaedra - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work that encapsulates the beauty and tragedy of love in Greek mythology. In this painting, Cabanel depicts Phaedra, a fascinating figure whose tragic fate has captivated the minds of art lovers throughout the...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Ophelia - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the masterpiece Ophelia - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic 19th-century work that illustrates beauty and tragedy. This painting, which depicts Shakespeare's famous figure of Ophelia, is a powerful symbol of love and loss in the history of art. The captivating...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
The Mocking of Christ - Alexandre Cabanel
The Mocking of Christ - Alexandre Cabanel is an iconic work that embodies the depth of 19th century religious art. With a refined technique, Cabanel depicts the scene of the mockery of Jesus Christ with an emotional intensity that touches the viewer. This painting,...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
The Glorification of Saint Louis - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover The Glorification of Saint Louis - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work that captures the very essence of classical art. Painted in 1860, this masterful piece depicts King Saint Louis in a divine light, symbolizing justice and faith. In the art world, this...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Portrait of a young girl - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the famous painting Portrait of a Young Girl - Alexandre Cabanel , an emblematic work of the 19th century. This painting, which embodies feminine beauty and delicacy, has marked the history of art with its academic style and refined technique....- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
- Enhedspris
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Cincinnatus receiving the ambassadors of Rome - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the painting, Cincinnatus receiving the ambassadors of Rome - Alexandre Cabanel , an emblematic work that embodies the spirit of ancient Rome and the honor of a man whose virtue is celebrated in history. Cincinnatus, known for his sense of...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Saint Paul surrounded by lions - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the painting Saint-Paul surrounded by lions - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work that embodies both artistic passion and spiritual depth. This masterpiece, created by Cabanel in the 19th century, illustrates the strength of faith and courage in the face...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Portrait of Alfred Bruyas - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our magnificent reproduction of the painting , Portrait of Alfred Bruyas - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work that captures the very essence of the 19th century. This painting, painted by Alexandre Cabanel, represents not only a fascinating portrait, but also a reflection...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
A thinker, young Roman monk - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the painting A Thinker, Young Roman Monk - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work of the 19th century that captures the spirit of reflection and contemplation. This painting, created by the master of oil painting, Alexandre Cabanel, illustrates the depth...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
The woman known as “Chiarrucia” - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the painting The Woman Known as "Chiarrucia" - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work of the 19th century. This painting, depicting a captivating beauty, is a testament to Cabanel's excellence as a master of academic painting. With its delicate nuances...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Saint John the Baptist - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover the reproduction of the painting Saint-Jean-Baptiste - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work that captures the essence of Cabanel's talent and his influence in the art world. Painted in 1860, this painting is recognized for its masterful depiction of Saint John the Baptist,...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Madame Louise Marès - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our magnificent reproduction of Madame Louise Marès - Alexandre Cabanel painting, an iconic work that embodies the refinement and beauty of the 19th century. Created by the famous French painter Alexandre Cabanel, this painting is a true ode to women, symbolizing both grace...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Christian Martyr - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover the reproduction of the painting Martyr Chrétien - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work that captures the beauty and pain of sacrifice. Painted in 1849, this masterpiece illustrates Cabanel's exceptional talent, famous for his ability to convey deep emotions through his characters. The...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Paradise Lost - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover the reproduction of the work Paradise Lost - Alexandre Cabanel , a masterpiece that embodies the quintessence of romanticism and divine beauty. This painting, painted by the famous French artist Alexandre Cabanel, evokes a mythical paradise, where beauty and wonder meet. Through the...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Eve after the fall - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover the beautiful reproduction of the painting titled Eve after the Fall - Alexandre Cabanel . This iconic 19th-century work is not only an artistic masterpiece, but also a profound exploration of human beauty and vulnerability. Painted by Alexandre Cabanel in 1863, this canvas...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Venus - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the famous work Venus - Alexandre Cabanel , a must-have in the world of art. Painted in 1863, this masterpiece embodies beauty and sensuality, representing the goddess Venus in all her splendor. Its meaning lies in the homage to feminine...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
page - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the famous painting by Alexandre Cabanel, a masterpiece that embodies the beauty and elegance of the 19th century. This painting, emblematic of the academic era, is not only an artistic representation, but also a testimony to the history of art,...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Patrician of Venice - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover the reproduction of the painting Patrician of Venice - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work of the 19th century that embodies feminine elegance and beauty. This oil painting, made by the French master Alexandre Cabanel, is famous for its depiction of a Venetian...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
- Enhedspris
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Pierre Cabanel - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the painting Pierre Cabanel - Alexandre Cabanel , an emblematic work that embodies the finesse and elegance of the 19th century academic movement. This painting, famous for its refined representation of feminine beauty, has marked the history of art thanks...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
- Enhedspris
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
The Death of Icarus - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of The Death of Icarus - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work that captures the tragedy of the famous mythological character. This painting, painted in the late 19th century, illustrates the poignant moment when Icarus, having flown too close to the...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Florentine poet - Alexandre Cabanel
Discover our reproduction of the famous painting Florentine Poet - Alexandre Cabanel , an iconic work of the 19th century that embodies the beauty and elegance of academic painting. Created by the master Alexandre Cabanel, this painting captivated art lovers with its play of...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
- Enhedspris
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