Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Rosary Madonna - Guido Reni
Oplev vores enestående reproduktion af maleriet Rosary Madonna - Guido Reni, et ikonisk værk der illustrerer barokkens finesse og elegance. Dette maleri, skabt af mesteren Guido Reni i det 17. århundrede, viser Jomfru Maria, der holder rosenkransen, et symbol på hengivenhed og spiritualitet. Reni,...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Déjanire bortført af centauren Nessus - Guido Reni
Oplev vores enestående reproduktion af maleriet, Dejanira bortført af centauren Nessus - Guido Reni. Dette ikoniske værk, der skildrer den tragiske myte om Dejanira, er et mesterværk i den italienske kunsthistorie. Udført i det 17. århundrede, fremkalder dette oliemaleri kampen mellem begær og lidelse,...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Erkeenglen Mikael, der overvinder Satan - Guido Reni
Oplev vores enestående malerireproduktion: Erkeenglen Mikael, der overvinder Satan - Guido Reni. Dette ikoniske værk, udført af den barokke mester Guido Reni, repræsenterer lysets sejr over mørket. Erkeenglen Mikael, symbol på styrke og tro, er afbildet triumferende over Satan, hvilket dermed indkapsler den evige...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
La Madeleine pénitente - Guido Reni
Oplev den smukke reproduktion af maleri af La Madeleine pénitente - Guido Reni, et ikonisk værk der indkapsler den åndelige dybde og introspektion. Dette mesterværk, udført af den italienske barokmester, Guido Reni, skildrer figuren af Maria Magdalena i et øjeblik af anger, som symboliserer...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
'Europas bortførelse - Guido Reni'
Oplev vores luksuriøse reproduktion af L'Enlèvement d'Europe - Guido Reni, et ikonisk værk, der har præget kunsthistorien. Dette maleri, udført af den italienske mester fra det 17. århundrede, fanger et fascinerende mytologisk øjeblik, hvor Europa, datteren af den fønikiske kongelighed, bliver bortført af Zeus...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
St. Sebastian - Guido Reni
Oplev vores smukke reproduktion af oliemaleriet St. Sebastian - Guido Reni, et ikonisk værk der indkapsler den følelsesmæssige dybde og den tekniske virtuositet fra den italienske barokmester. Dette maleri, skabt i det 17. århundrede, skildrer Sankt Sebastian, en kristen martyr, hvis billede ofte er...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
"Lucretias selvmord - Guido Reni"
Oplev vores højklassede reproduktion af det berømte maleri Selvmordet af Lucretia - Guido Reni. Dette ikoniske værk, udført af mesteren inden for barokmaleri, skildrer en tragisk scene, der har sat dybe spor i kunsthistorien. Det illustrerer Lucretias mod og offer, en symbolsk figur for...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
St. Joseph - Guido Reni
Oplev den exceptionelle reproduktion af maleriet St. Joseph - Guido Reni, et ikonisk værk der indkapsler skønheden og dybden af barokmaleriet. Udført af den italienske mester Guido Reni, er dette maleri et strålende eksempel på 1600-tallets religiøse kunst, der skildrer Sankt Joseph i al...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Manden med smerterne - Guido Reni
Oplev vores smukke reproduktion af L'homme des douleurs - Guido Reni, et ikonisk værk fra den italienske barok. Dette maleri, der skildrer Kristus i lidelse, indkapsler den følelsesmæssige dybde og den tekniske beherskelse af Reni, som formåede at fange smerte og medfølelse med en...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Hyrdernes tilbedelse - Guido Reni
Oplev vores reproduktion af det ikoniske værk Hyrdernes tilbedelse - Guido Reni, et mesterværk der illustrerer mødet mellem det guddommelige og det jordiske. Dette maleri, udført af den berømte barokkunstner fra det 17. århundrede, fanger hyrdernes forundring ved Kristi fødsel, som symboliserer lys og...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Portræt af en ung pige med krone - Guido Reni
Oplev vores høj kvalitet reproduktion af det berømte maleri Portræt af en ung pige med krone - Guido Reni. Dette ikoniske værk, skabt af den barokke mester Guido Reni i det 17. århundrede, indkapsler skønhed og feminin nåde, samtidig med at det symboliserer magt...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Marias Antagelse - Guido Reni
La reproduktion af maleriet "Jomfru Marias Himmelfart - Guido Reni" er et emblematiske værk, der indkapsler skønheden og spiritualiteten i barokken. Udført af den italienske mester Guido Reni, repræsenterer dette fængslende maleri Jomfru Marias opstigning til himlen, hvilket fejrer hendes betydning i den kristne...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Hellige Familie - Guido Reni
Oplev vores reproduktion af det berømte værk Den Hellige Familie - Guido Reni, et ikonisk mesterværk fra den italienske barok. Dette maleri, skabt i det 17. århundrede af den talentfulde kunstner Guido Reni, skildrer en rørende scene af Den Hellige Familie. Det fremkalder temaer...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Jomfruens Uddannelse - Guido Reni
Oplev vores enestående malerireproduktion med titlen Jomfruens Uddannelse - Guido Reni. Dette ikoniske værk, skabt af den barokke mester Guido Reni, illustrerer dybden og skønheden i Jomfru Marias åndelige rejse. Reni, kendt for sin mesterlige brug af lys og farve, har fanget essensen af...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Marie Madeleine bodsgang - Guido Reni
Oplev vores smukke reproduktion af Marie Madeleine pénitente - Guido Reni, et ikonisk værk der illustrerer den åndelige dybde og den tidløse skønhed i barokmaleriet. Dette maleri, udført af den italienske mester Guido Reni, fremkalder anger og tro, centrale temaer der har præget kunsthistorien....- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Jomfruens Renselse - Guido Reni
Oplev vores reproduktion af maleriet Jomfruens Renselse - Guido Reni, et ikonisk værk der vidner om Reni's enestående beherskelse inden for religiøs maleri. Dette mesterværk fra det 17. århundrede, berømt for sin elegante komposition og sine raffinerede detaljer, fremkalder en dyb spiritualitet, der fanger...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Mary Magdalen - Guido Reni
Oplev vores sublime reproduktion af maleriet Mary Magdalen - Guido Reni, et ikonisk værk der indkapsler skønheden og den følelsesmæssige dybde i barokkunsten. Dette maleri, berømt for sin rørende skildring af Maria Magdalena, er et mesterværk, der har sat sit præg på kunsthistorien. Rigdommen...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Evangelisten Sankt Matthæus og englen - Guido Reni
Oplev vores luksuriøse reproduktion af Evangelisten Sankt Matthæus og englen - Guido Reni, et ikonisk værk der har præget barokkens kunsthistorie. Dette maleri, udført mellem 1620 og 1625, viser Sankt Matthæus i samtale med en engel, der illustrerer den guddommelige inspiration og helgenens rolle...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Jesus Barns omskærelse - Guido Reni
Oplev vores reproduktion af det berømte værk Den omskæring af Jesusbarnet - Guido Reni, som indkapsler den kunstneriske dygtighed fra det 17. århundrede. Dette maleri, der skildrer et centralt øjeblik i den kristne tradition, illustrerer både skønhed og spiritualitet, idet det forener finesse og...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Self-portrait - Guido Reni
Discover our magnificent reproduction of Self-Portrait - Guido Reni , an iconic work that embodies the artistic excellence of the Baroque period. This painting, created by the Italian master Guido Reni, is not only a reflection of the artist's undeniable talent, but it also...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
The Aurora - Guido Reni
Discover our stunning reproduction of L'Aurora - Guido Reni , an iconic 17th-century work that embodies the beauty and depth of Baroque art. This painting, famous for its luminous depiction of the aurora, has captivated art lovers for centuries, and its cultural significance is...- Fra $500.00
$1,000.00- Fra $500.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of the painting Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus - Guido Reni , an iconic work of art that captures the tenderness and devotion of a biblical scene. Created by the Baroque master Guido Reni, this work is synonymous with spirituality...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Joseph and Potiphar's Wife - Guido Reni
Discover our magnificent reproduction of the painting Joseph and Potiphar's Wife - Guido Reni , an emblematic work of the 17th century that illustrates the struggle between virtue and temptation. This masterpiece, which marked the world of art with its drama and emotion, is...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Self-portrait - Guido Reni
Discover our magnificent reproduction of the famous Self-portrait - Guido Reni , an iconic work that embodies the skill and finesse of the Baroque master. This painting, created around 1625, testifies to the importance of the self-portrait in Reni's artistic journey, highlighting his mastery...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Massacre of the Innocents - Guido Reni
Discover the magnificent reproduction of the famous masterpiece Massacre of the Innocents - Guido Reni , an iconic work that captures the pain and tragedy of human history. Originally painted by Guido Reni in the 17th century, this canvas depicts the massacre of innocent...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
David with the Head of Goliath - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of the painting "David with the Head of Goliath - Guido Reni", an iconic work that embodies heroic victory and the triumph of strength over weakness. This oil painting, created by the Baroque master Guido Reni, is famous for its dramatic...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Saint Cecilia - Guido Reni
Discover the reproduction of the exceptional work Saint Cecilia - Guido Reni , a masterpiece of Baroque painting that celebrates music and holiness. This work, created by the Italian master Guido Reni in the 17th century, is emblematic of the harmony between art and...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Saint Sebastian - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of Saint Sebastian - Guido Reni , an iconic work of Baroque art. This painting, made in the early 17th century, illustrates the suffering and faith of the martyr Saint Sebastian, capturing both beauty and pain with remarkable intensity. Its importance...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Saint Philip Neri in Ecstasy - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of the painting Saint Philip Neri in Ecstasy - Guido Reni , an iconic work that captures the spirituality and devotion of the saint. Created in the 17th century by the Baroque master Guido Reni, this painting depicts a moment of...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Hippomenes and Atalanta - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of the painting Hippomenes and Atalanta - Guido Reni , an iconic work that evokes mythology and human passion. Originally created by the Baroque master Guido Reni, this painting illustrates a key moment in the legend of Hippomenes and Atalanta, where...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
David and Abigail - Guido Reni
Discover our beautiful reproduction of the painting entitled David and Abigail - Guido Reni , an iconic work that has stood the test of time. This oil painting, created by the Italian master Guido Reni, illustrates a biblical scene where David, the future king...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Jesus Christ with the Cross - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of the famous painting Jesus Christ with the Cross - Guido Reni , an iconic work that embodies the passion and suffering of Christ. This masterpiece, created in the 17th century by the Italian master Guido Reni, is a striking example...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
The Baptism of Christ - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of The Baptism of Christ - Guido Reni , an iconic work of Italian Baroque. Painted in the 17th century, this painting celebrates the sacred moment when John the Baptist baptizes Jesus in the river. Its harmonious composition and vibrant colors...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Moses with the Tablets of the Law - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of the painting Moses with the Tablets of the Law - Guido Reni , an iconic work that captures the essence of the divine and the power of the law. Painted by the Baroque master Guido Reni, this painting illustrates the...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Christ gives the keys to Saint Peter - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of the famous work Christ Gives the Keys to Saint Peter - Guido Reni , an iconic piece that embodies the very essence of Baroque art. This canvas, made by the master Guido Reni, illustrates the mystical moment when Jesus gives...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Joseph and Potiphar's Wife - Guido Reni
Discover our magnificent reproduction of the painting Joseph and Potiphar's Wife - Guido Reni , an iconic work from the 17th century that perfectly illustrates dramatic tensions and human emotions. This painting, which tells the biblical story of Joseph, is not only an artistic...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Saint Matthew and the Angel - Guido Reni
Discover our magnificent reproduction of the masterpiece Saint Matthew and the Angel - Guido Reni . This iconic work, created in the early 17th century, depicts the moment when Saint Matthew receives the divine revelation from the angel. The painting, rich in emotion and...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Saint James the Greater - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of the iconic painting Saint James the Greater - Guido Reni , a masterpiece that embodies the intensity and beauty of Baroque art. This work, created by Baroque master Guido Reni, depicts Saint James in all his splendor, illustrating his essential...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Saint John the Baptist in the Desert - Guido Reni
Discover our magnificent reproduction of Saint John the Baptist in the Desert - Guido Reni , an iconic work of Baroque that captures the spiritual essence of its subject. This painting, painted by Guido Reni in the 17th century, depicts Saint John the Baptist,...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Lucretia - Guido Reni
Discover our magnificent reproduction of the painting : Lucrezia - Guido Reni . This masterpiece by the Baroque painter, which evokes tragedy and beauty, is an emblematic work that has profoundly marked the world of art. The representation of Lucrezia, a historical figure who...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Bacchus and Ariadne, verse - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of Bacchus and Ariadne, circa - Guido Reni , an iconic work that embodies the beauty and passion of Baroque art. This painting celebrates mythology through a striking depiction of Bacchus, the god of wine, and Ariadne, the symbol of love...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
The unity of design and painting - Guido Reni
Discover our oil painting reproduction The Unity of Disegno and Painting - Guido Reni , an iconic work that embodies the perfect harmony between drawing and painting. This painting, created by the 17th-century Italian master, has marked the history of art with its ability...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Nessus and Dejanira - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of the iconic painting Nessus and Dejanira - Guido Reni , a painting that embodies both the beauty and tragedy of Greek myths. This 17th-century masterpiece by the famous Baroque painter immerses us in a tale rich in emotion and symbolism....- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Samson Victorious - Guido Reni
Discover the reproduction of the painting "Samson Victorious - Guido Reni", a masterful work that evokes strength and determination through the biblical character of Samson. This iconic painting, created by the Baroque master Guido Reni in the 17th century, is a striking representation of...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
More details Portrait of the mother - Guido Reni
Discover our exceptional painting reproduction , Portrait of the Mother - Guido Reni , which highlights the timeless beauty of this fascinating work. This painting, dating back to the 17th century, is an iconic representation of motherhood, symbolizing love and devotion. Its impact on...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Conversion of Saul - Guido Reni
The Conversion of Saul - Guido Reni is an iconic work that illustrates the spiritual transition from Saul of Tarsus to Paul the Apostle. This oil painting, by Baroque master Guido Reni, is not only a fascinating artistic representation but also a masterpiece of...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Coronation of the Virgin and the four saints - Guido Reni
Discover the reproduction of the painting "Coronation of the Virgin and the Four Saints - Guido Reni", an iconic work of the 17th century that celebrates majesty and spirituality. This masterpiece illustrates the ascension of the Virgin Mary, surrounded by saints, and represents a...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
- Enhedspris
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Coronation of Saints Cecilia and Valerian - Guido Reni
Discover our exclusive painting reproduction: Coronation of Saints Cecilia and Valerian - Guido Reni . This iconic work, painted by the Baroque master Guido Reni, is a true masterpiece that illustrates the harmony between light and shadow. This painting, which dates from the 17th...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
- Enhedspris
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Crucifixion of Saint Peter - Guido Reni
Discover our reproduction of the famous Crucifixion of Saint Peter - Guido Reni , an iconic work that delves into the depths of art history. Created in the 17th century, this painting highlights the sacrifice and devotion of Saint Peter, a theme dear to...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
- Enhedspris
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Sælger:Alpha Reproduction
Pietà of the Beggars - Guido Reni
The Pietà dei Mendicanti - Guido Reni is an iconic work that captures the essence of human compassion and suffering. This painting, by Baroque master Guido Reni, is often praised for its emotional depth and incredible technical mastery. As a reproduction painting, it is...- Fra $450.00
$900.00- Fra $450.00
- Enhedspris
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